
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Crossing the Jordan

"You will be crossing the Jordan River and entering Canaan.  As you advance, force out all the people who live there.  Get rid of all their stone and metal idols, and destroy all their places of worship.  Take possession of the land and live there, because I will give it to you for your own." 
-Num. 33:51-53 GWT

We finally made it home!!!  Hiccup after hiccup threatened to keep us from ever arriving, but God barreled through every obstacle and delivered us safely to the warmest welcome our family has EVER received.  The love that was showered upon you and us was just the salve our hearts needed.  It was a beautiful moment.  I didn't want it to end!!
Coming home, however, isn't the end of our story; that moment, although incredible in itself, isn't the "Promised Land" the Lord has planned for our family.  We've only arrived at the banks of our Jordan.  I confess that I've never felt more close to the hearts of the tribes Reuben and Gad than I have this week.  I find myself pleading with the Holy Spirit as they plead with Moses, "Don't make us cross the Jordan River!"  And through Moses' reply He answered me, "Are you going to stay here while the rest of the Israelites [your family/community] go to war?  That might discourage them [Lucy] from entering the land the LORD has given them [her]. ...If you turn away from [Me], [I] will abandon all these people in the desert.  You would be responsible for their destruction" (Num. 32:5, 15).
The reality is the same for me as it was for these men: there is going to be a battle and I will be fighting in it, whether I choose to settle on this side of the Jordan or the other when all is said and done.  Of course I read this and thought, what idiots would choose the semi-amazing land when they could have the most amazing land...the land they were handed to by God Himself!!?!

Apparently, I was being that idiot.

I'm scared, Lucy.  I imagine you are as well.  This is completely new territory we're both navigating and it's terrifying!  You can throw the nastiest eye-roll at our simplest requests and hastily shut us down when we're at our most vulnerable, trying to reach you on a deeper level...who knew teenagers were so intimidating?!  Yet, God is making it very clear that we are to advance regardless of how much "taller and stronger" our adversary looks.  From a place of love, we are going to have to make decisions that you hate.  We are going to have to cast down all of these idols you've set up for yourself and worshipped to fill the large chasm in your broken heart.  If we don't, "they will be like splinters in [our] eyes and thorns in [our] sides." We will constantly be competing with them (Num. 33:55-56).

God help us.

I can't get over how faithful He's been to answer every insecurity we have: "Never be afraid of anyone since your decisions come from God" (Deut. 1:17).  "Don't tremble.  Don't be afraid....  The LORD Your God, who is going ahead of you, will fight for you as you saw Him fight for you in Egypt and in the desert.  There you saw how the LORD Your God carried you, as parents carry their children.  He carried you wherever you went until you came to this place" (Deut. 1:29-31).

We need not be afraid of you, nor you of the decisions ahead.  God is giving us our Promised Land--we just have to obey, cross the Jordan, and trust the victory He's guaranteed us over the battles ahead.


Sunday, March 15, 2015

Pecked and Pruned

Today presented yet another storm.  It blew through like a hurricane and calmed almost as quickly as it came.  You were obviously very fed up with the small show of parenting we exhibited last night, putting three miniscule boundaries into place for the sake of our family's safety and ability to ever connect with you: no VK upon arriving in America (Facebook is still ok), no phone at mealtimes, nor during Bible & prayer. 

Last night, you ventured where all teens dare to: choosing to tiptoe across those lines you find so unreasonable and outrageous.  This forcing us to venture where all parents of teens hate to go: onto your hit list. 

We didn't correct you out of anger, but from a spirit of playfulness attempting to remind you gently that you crossed a boundary.  I swiped the phone from your hands and hid it, eventually changing the password so you couldn't access it after much pleading on your part (throughout the entirety of our meal), to give it back.  I never intended to keep it away from you forever, just for the duration of dinner; however, the split pea soup that nearly spat out of your spinning head after you discovered I changed the password was cause for concern...and, unfortunately for all of us, further correction.  More English words poured out of your mouth than ever as you ranted that we've taken away VK, then Skype (again, your perspective...we just had to ask you to get off one time because you had talked for $15 worth and we were running out of minutes and money), "NOW Facebook!"
At that point, we had to take away the phone for the rest of the evening, as your anger and attitude towards us kept us from even being allowed to explain our motives or concerns.  You tore off into the night, beating us back to the apartment by minutes. 

Thank God, we didn't go to bed angry last night...everything seemed to be smoothed over by then...

Until this morning.

After more eye rolling and dismissive behavior from you, I lost my cool. All of this time I've managed to lose it privately, but this time my lack of cool was on display for the world to see.  This time, I related WHOLEHEARTEDLY to the Pinterest sticker that claims "Raising teenagers is like being pecked to death by chickens". 

What on earth was God thinking?!  Didn't He know ahead of time that I was far too immature to help you mature????!

Slamming the door, and ashamedly acting no better than a teenager myself, I left you to have a very honest talk with God in the bedroom.  I asked Him these things, regarding what He was thinking...what His Plan would you ever see how deeply He loves you and how Dad and I love you would ever come to recognize all that He has done on your behalf and the gifts He has been showering you with when you couldn't get past the three simplest things we said you couldn't have.  "No VK. No unlimited access to Facebook or Skype."  This is all you can see?? The molehills??  What about all of the mountains He's miraculously moved for you?!  Your shortsightedness pains me. 

I questioned if I was equipped for this task again.  And He revealed so much of Himself...again.

How our Father in Heaven must feel every time we miss the forest He's given us for the trees He's had to cut down. 

My getting wrapped up in the heat of the moment, in my disdain for your flippant and disrespectful behavior, was being no less shortsighted than you.  Yes, it was a difficult night and morning.  No, it is no fun putting our foot down and saying no to you about anything.  For us OR you!  But neither is it fun for God.  And how many tantrums have I been known to throw when I haven't gotten my way with Him?! Just like our "no"'s are intended for your own good, and the good of our entire family, His "no"'s are the same for His children.  And just like there are so many blessings to this process that you've been overlooking, so did I in my fury this morning. 

I praise God for these humbling moments.  For His faithfulness to heal and restore that which is broken into something even more sturdy than before.  He did just that already.  You came into the room only minutes after I finished my praying and weeping, apologizing so maturely for how you have behaved toward us.  It was such a beautiful moment as I, too, apologized and we embraced...healing tears streaming down both of our faces. 

More storms are sure to roll in...more destruction is inevitable...but these aren't moments to grieve or regret.  He'll use even these to prune those parts of us that would prevent our family from flourishing.  I love Him!! And I love you <3


"He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful." John 15:2 (NIV)

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Falling Action

We're finally reaching the tail-end of this whirlwind journey to bring you home.  It's unbelievable that six weeks have already come and gone!  So many mountains were moved and are still moving.... It feels like only yesterday and light years into the future all at once!!  We came into this knowing we'd be required to teach you and disciple you, but it has really been us that God has been teaching and discipling through you.  We've been doing a lot of growing up of our own these past two years, but especially these past two months!!! <3

God doesn't joke around. The constant testing of our faith throughout this process undoubtedly produced the exact amount of perseverance necessary to carry us through the disaster of this final week (see James 1:1-4).  Had we been faced with this trial even months ago, our deeply-rooted weed of unbelief would have been our undoing.  I praise Him for His perfect timing and flawlessly executed plans!  The mistake has been resolved--you will be approved for a visa despite our late submission of essential paperwork!!!  And all for His glory still  :)

Adoption, indeed, reveals a whole new facet of God's Love and Grace that you think you understand until you really understand it.  Through learning how He wants us to love you, God has tangibly shown us that He doesn't require we be anything more or less than we are right now-"good" or "bad".  The Love and Mercy He gives is so unlike man' is truly without conditions...not based at all on how well we treat Him or perform as His children.  And like it must be in His eyes when we are adopted into His Kingdom, you feel no less my daughter than had you been born from my own womb.

You have been brought into our world with your own experiences, culture, and standards that we had no influence over.  You're completely self-sufficient and capable of living on your own had you been forced to.  Yet, there are still these remnants of your childlike nature we find wanting.  You are independent, but so dependent.  Only now do we grasp exactly what our task is: not to raise you, but to shape you.  To show you as much of Him as His Spirit equips us to reveal.

And I know now, without any doubt, that He will equip us.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Plot Twist

We were finally nearing the end of our journey: safely back in Kiev and ready for our appointment with the Embassy...or so we thought.  Only upon applying for your immigrant visa, did we discover that a MAJOR ball was dropped.  We were supposed to have submitted a special form within 6 months of your 16th birthday in order for your application to even be considered!

As of today, you are still our daughter, but unable to go home.  :(

This is, indeed, a devastating twist in an already exciting plot.  But we remain confident that God is still the author of your story, Sweet Girl!!  Yesterday was full of temptation to panic, to place blame, to grow resentful and bitter...and we did (admittedly) have a little taste of all of these emotions.  The situation is unquestionably stressful and chaotic, but His Spirit's peace prevails.  God's got this.  It is just another mountain for Him to move for His glory, and we cannot wait to see what He has up His Sleeve next.
A devotion, among many, sent to me today from an incredible friend:

From the beginning, we prayed that hundreds would be moved by His pursuit of You...that people who have yet to know God intimately would see and believe that He is undoubtedly an intimate God!  I think our Father in Heaven is just now getting around to answering this prayer.  Yesterday's cry for help alone has garnered the attention of so many who wouldn't have been exposed to our family's story otherwise.  Friends of friends of friends...friends of family...government employees and officials....  Just when we thought we couldn't be humbled anymore, we are SO humbled!!  

Evidence of His working is all over this journey!! Yes.  We are homesick.  But we praise Him still that we are not growing weary...that He will continue to sustain us, to carry us, and to rescue you.

I love you SO much, Lucy <3

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." -Mark 11:24 (NIV) 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Our Grace es su Grace

"Gazing at that mound of pain, I consider that I never thought I'd experience this kind of moment. All of the pain, regret and damage in my life is laid out in front of me.  All that has caused shame and condemnation.  All that has caused me to pretend and impress and yearn for control.  All that has broken my heart and His.  But now I'm viewing it with Jesus' arm around me!  He's been holding me with utter delight, all with my sin right here in our midst, never allowing it between us.  He wants to know me in the midst of this, not when I get it cleaned up.  I know now if this mound is ever to shrink, it'll be by trusting this moment for the rest of my life. ...

Whenever you're tempted to think you don't belong, that you've failed too often, failed too big, or are not meant to be close to God--just then, someone, maybe sitting very close to you will smile and kindly say, 'That's all you got!!!?'  It's their way of saying, 'You're welcome here'" (p.24-25, 27, The Cure: What if God isn't Who you think He is, and you aren't either).  

I pray that we can successfully show you a love like His, Sweet Girl;  that we're given plenty more opportunities to hold you with utter delight, all with your sin right in our midst, never allowing it between us.  Because, the truth is, we want to know you in the midst of this...not when you get it cleaned up!!! We look at your mistakes, your regrets, and we think, That's all you got!!!? Because we're no different, no better.  We've felt a same sort of pain and the relentless regret that comes with failing...

You'll always be welcome here, Lucy.  With us  <3