
Saturday, February 15, 2014

His Kingdom's Economy

This week marked yet another milestone in our adventure to bring you home!  We hosted our first fundraising event--a multi-family garage and bake sale.  And, honestly, I started the week so. stressed. out.  Day by day, Jesus ironed out the kinks in my thinking and in my heart.  By the morning before the sale, He left me on this note:

"Bring me all the tithes, and I will open the gates of heaven and pour down upon you a fourfold blessing.  Yes, I will bless you in the grace of giving, and I will bless you with joy.  You shall open the door of ministry for My servants, and you shall partake of the fruits that will come as a result.  
You will never give to Me and be the poorer for it.  In exchange for your small gifts, you shall be given My boundless riches.  Through the contribution that comes from a willing heart, I will be freed to bestow the abundance of heaven, treasures you could never purchase from the world.  …
Indeed, you shall see the miraculous ways I will care for your needs, and even in the process of doing this I will further the Kingdom; for others who give to you will also receive spiritual blessings.  
Yes, My child, My economy is wonderful!  My Kingdom truly is not the kingdom of this world. …You have given to Me that which I can multiply in spiritual blessings to you and to others. …Your poverty shall be turned to wealth, and you will be freed from your anxieties concerning financial matters." -Frances J. Roberts, Come Away My Beloved, p.74

I had no idea just how capable He is.  Lyuda, we raised over half of what we need for the upcoming home study fees.  In addition to this amazing financial blessing, our friends and I witnessed Him opening the door of this ministry for orphans to several others.  And, oh the miraculous ways He provided for EVERY need!!!  For additional items to sell, for support in organizing everything, for encouragement from others who have been down this road, AND for funds.  It was so cool.  I only wish you could have been there to meet all of the people God led to provide--perhaps one day you will get to witness Him in action again…in effort to rescue another from your house in the Ukraine!!!  If there's anything we've learned thus far, it's definitely "don't underestimate Who God is or What our BIG God can do" with faith truly the size of a mustard seed!!  We're getting closer!!!

The whole community saw this beautiful smile for the first time :)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Love you, too

We experienced the most incredible moment yesterday.  For the first time, we were blessed with the opportunity to talk to you face-to-face over Skype!!  You are so beautiful, glowing with poise and kindness!!  God knew we all needed that moment, and I praise Him for it.  His glory shines even through these details--the tangled web He continues to weave and work through to take care of His orphans is truly amazing.  But what is most amazing to me, is how no amount of language barriers or poor internet connections got in the way of our communicating His "universal" language yesterday.  I was so worried that we hadn't said enough; that we had failed to express our desire for you to be ours so you could rest if even for a day knowing you were loved and that you will always have a family with us.  Then today, I received this message from you:

Люблю Вас

We love you, too, Lyuda <3 And we continue to feel so blessed to be a part of whatever He has planned for you, Sweet Daughter.