
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Бог с нами

This morning, I received these three short Russian words from you: Бог с нами!❤  (translated: God is with us!).

Yes, Sweet Girl, He is!!

There have been no shortage of obstacles these past few months…the process coming to a screeching halt over a transposed notary stamp; your frustrations over the standstill causing upheaval in our home as we worried about the decisions you were making as a result; the conflict in Ukraine, leading to even a civilian plane being shot down; our own parents' fears for our safety fighting to blur God's promises of victory; financial distress as both of our vehicles inexplicably broke down, then our dryer, now our garage door, all among other minor household issues that need to be taken care of….  It has certainly been one wild ride!! But with every twist and turn, our loving Father has been there waiting in the wings to keep us on track.  Answering prayer after prayer, and filling us with Word after Word, we have learned the most important lesson in this pause: our "faith should not be in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God" (1 Co. 2:5).  

He knows what He's doing, even when we haven't a clue. We praise Him for this peace that transcends all human understanding!

     "My child, do not be dismayed by any calamity that befalls you.  Your times are in My hand.  Your way is open before Me, and I have all in My control.  Never doubt My care.  Never question My dealings.  
     You will know that I am leading you by the narrowness of the way.  It is often a difficult and precipitous path; but I would assure you of My hand of protection.  Do not think it strange that I bring you by this route…because in the solitary and the steep and narrow way I will have the opportunity to deal with you and teach you; and you will be blessed and will learn to praise Me with uncontrollable joy." -Roberts, Come Away My Beloved, p.225-226

I'm so glad He's speaking to you, too <3