
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Son Showers

"The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace." -Numbers 6:24-26 (NKJV)

     These few words, spoken over me this week by a complete stranger in a Target parking lot, perfectly sum up this past week.  Upon receiving the news that we finally had a court date through now, we have been immeasurably blessed and kept by Him.  We were still short half of the funds necessary to travel.  We didn't yet have full approval from the military to travel abroad.  Record-breaking winter storms were on the heels of our travel dates.  We didn't even have the warm clothing needed to survive your Ukrainian winter! By Friday, we had more than we could ask for or imagine.  On Sunday, God of the Angel Armies staved off the less-than-favorable winter conditions until just hours after we flew safely out of New York.  Hence, today, I write from Kiev, Ukraine :)  ...With a full belly, warm clothes, and my feet securely on the ground ;)  All with perfect timing to make our very first court appearance tomorrow morning! God is, indeed, faithful; His love unfailing.  It really is one thing to know this and a totally different thing to experience it.
     As we drove the five hours East to the Dallas airport, it was as if the Holy Spirit wanted to be sure we soaked up His "Shine"--through Misty Edward's album, Relentless, He sang what felt like a soundtrack written specifically for our journey...His graciousness nearly tangible.  All four of us were showered in the Lord's joyful countenance as we reflected back on every miracle that happened in just these past few days and on all of the people God placed along the way each day (and for every step) to encourage us and to cover us in prayer.  He has answered every single request, Luda, leaving no stone unturned.  It is truly magnificent to witness.  Our faith has been strengthened.  "For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus." -Phil. 1:6
    The Lord is fervently pursuing you, precious girl; He loves you and is undoubtedly good to you.  This continues to prove true again and again.  But this time, we've come to recognize His chase for our own hearts as well.  We count ourselves so humbled and blessed to be even the smallest part in His big plan for you.  I pray we all grow deeper in Him through this unforgettable adventure  <3

I can't wait to hug you!!! FINALLY!!
I love you already,

Misty Edwards-Relentless Album Lyrics