
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

He Will Bring The Victory

Panic.  That's what I'm feeling right now, honestly.  We reached this mountaintop high when finding out that you were officially available, only to plummet immediately into a valley of doubt and anxiety.  Dad just got word that our next step is the international home study that's going to cost us a large sum of money that we just don't have :( And, of course, the fee comes at a time when so many other things are due...and after we've committed to living within our means and avoiding debt.  Not to mention, I stink the biggest stink that ever stunk at organizing fundraising?!  It's been so overwhelming just scanning through all of the options and thinking about them!!!  Every single one of them sounds great in theory, until they require me asking people for money....  I'm completely ill-equipped. What is God thinking???

It's all certainly enough to get a family distracted.  I just love how the Holy Spirit continues to intervene, however, keeping our minds set on things above and not on the pressures and limitations of this world!! Check out this devotional He put in front of me today in response to these groans of my spirit--it was too cool:

"Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." -1 Co. 15:57

"O My child, have I ever failed you?  Have I ever turned My back on you or forsaken you?  Have I not been your refuge and your strong defense?  I have protected you and kept you in sickness and in health.  Yes, I am with you to help you now.  Fear not.  My purposes will be fulfilled in spite of your weaknesses, if in your need you rely on My strength.  My will shall be done regardless of the flaws in your life, if you count on the power of My righteousness.  I do not work only in cases where there are no obstacles; but I glory in overruling the prevailing circumstances, and I take pleasure in bringing victories to those places where no victory is anywhere in sight.  
Count on My coming.  Know that whenever faith brings Me on the scene, everything is changed.  Darkness is turned to light.  Grief is turned to joy.  Sickness to health.  Poverty to My sufficient supply.  Doubt to faith.  Anxiety to trust.
No negative force can occupy the same place as My Spirit.  When My Spirit comes in, all these things must go.  Yes, they shall go!
Ask for victory.  I will come and bring it.  Don't look for the victory--look for Me, and you will see the victory that I will bring with Me.  After I have come, you shall behold the miracles I will do." -Frances J. Roberts, Come Away My Beloved, p.56-57.

Bring us victory, Jesus!!!  I surrender my weaknesses to You and plead for Your strength.  We count on Your coming to rescue this sweet girl that longs for a home as much as our home longs for her. Sufficiently supply for our needs, that we might be used to turn some of her grief into joy.  Take my doubting and anxious thoughts captive and transform them into an unshakeable faith and trust in You.  I can't wait to behold the miracles You will do!!!!