
Friday, October 10, 2014

He's Still Driving

I received an exciting call from a friend last night.  Her and her husband have been facing similar spiritual challenges as us…trusting God's plan even when it seems to be veering far from their own.  He recently took a job in Fort Worth, moving their family from comfort and close knit friends in Montana to a bustling city full of busy people.  Neither he nor she feel settled or connected to their new life. It hasn't helped that he's already been struggling with difficult relationships at work and she with building any lasting friendships at home.  This, in addition to other events, led to his decision to apply for different job…hopefully one that would lead them back to their "quality" life in beautiful Montana (even if it meant sacrificing the "quantity" that led them to Texas).
One door of opportunity after another seemed to discouragingly slam in their faces.  It made no sense.  They haven't felt at peace where they're at, but there's been no direction as to where they're supposed to be going.  I know you're thinking their exciting call was the announcement of an open door…. I thought so too.  It wasn't.  A savvy thought on their mother's part helped them thankfully discover that his job contract would require they reimburse all moving expenses if he were to quit before a 24-month period.  Had any of the jobs he had been applying for gone through as they had initially hoped, they would have lost A LOT of moola!!!  They were certain that God WAS shutting the doors…not to cause them suffering and pain, but to protect them from financial disaster!
Their situation gave them and us fresh perspective.  Lysa Terkeurst says it best in her devotional, What Happens When Women Say Yes to God:

"Sometimes God's power is shown as much in preventing things as it is in making them happen" (p.41).

I can't begin to understand why the process of bringing you home was effortless months ago, then seemed to come to and stay at a screeching halt.  I can't begin to lie and say I'm finding joy in all of this right now. But I CAN rest assured that His Hand is still on this.  He is still at the wheel.  He can see what's around the corner and has chosen to press on the brakes for our protection.