
Saturday, April 26, 2014

A Body Divided...

Crazy how quickly we can go from feeling on top of the world to down in the dumps in just days!  Even more crazy…what I was raving about just a few days ago is, ironically, the cause of the downward spiral this time…. 

So many people want to be involved in bringing you home, and every single one of them have great ideas and abilities that our desire is obviously for all to somehow be involved!  Because the same Spirit equips these friends and the same Lord is served, who am I to dictate any detail?  In my opinion, this isn’t my story…it’s His and yours.  And the more people God would use to play a role in it, the merrier! Unfortunately, this is also prime territory for our enemy to wreak divisive havoc.  

I've gradually become more and more consumed with worry over relationships being strained, toes being stepped on, and loved ones feeling unappreciated as we all navigate uniting the myriad of gifts. Regrettably, I haven't been clear about the only expectation that matters and have understandably caused much confusion.  Yes, I’ve been longing to celebrate the victories with others, but how the celebration plays out matters not.  Yes, I find it so absolutely amazing that hearts have been stirred to help us fundraise, but there is no particular way in which I’ve envisioned that it must be done.  Yes, I dream of you having a beautiful room full of special touches and put together with love, but I’m not worried about it being something I designed, or how the special touches are found, or that it all looks perfect.  As you can likely imagine, these loose ends are exactly why I praise Him for those friends He’s called to help.  The people He has chosen in-coincidentally require a method for the madness.  We can finally rest assured that something will be accomplished!!  He's provided us with a specific, seemingly handpicked group of people whom we love, admire, and can trust to lead us safely to "Z"!

I don’t want anyone to miss the forest for the trees.  A mind-blowing testimony is beginning to unfold, and the Lord is welcoming all of us to set the stage!!!  I’m praying that our yielding to His dispersal of work won't be seen as indecisiveness that only frustrates those willing to serve, but rather as a decision in itself. We want to make room for as many others as possible, aside from our family, to leave their footprint…to experience the same overwhelming joy that comes from the outpouring of His Spirit. The parties can flop, the fundraisers may fail, and/or the room might turn out to be a hot mess, but you will know without any shadow of a doubt that you are loved. And, I pray, so will they.  "See how good and pleasant it is when brothers and sisters live together in harmony!" (Psalm 133:1)  We long for peace and unity so all will know we are His disciples because of our love for each other (John 13:35).  Then, even more glory will rightfully be given to God <3

"Hold fast that which you have, and let no one take your crown.  Let no one hinder you in pursuit of the reward.  Let nothing stand in the way of your complete victory.  Let no weariness or discouraging thought cause you to loosen the rope of faith…. Emmanuel!  God with us--God in us--God in me! God in you! Praise His wonderful Name!  For this He made us.  For this He destined us!  For this He predestinated us!  For this He died and rose.  For this He sent that first mighty outpouring…." -p.143-144, Come Away My Beloved, Frances J. Roberts